snippets _ naruto fic ideas

okay i don't know when or why or how but i absolutely looooooove founders x sakura. don't ask. but sadly, there aren't many good ones out there for me to enjoy, or the ones that are good are still in progress so im impatiently waiting for the story's completion. instead, im just going to write whatever prompts come to mind. keep in mind im a heavy multisaku shipper so yeaaa expect the unexpected when it comes to pairings ;)

founders x saku

civilian sakura who has memories of her past self that randomly occurs in flashbacks. she's also the daughter of a baker.

madasaku, tobisaku, hashisaku, izusaku and mitosaku~

mito and hashi are engaged but they're not really in love with each other. in fact, they're both fighting for sakura's affections, in the most passive-aggressive way possible. sakura doesn't know the mess she's getting into. mada and izu like to gang up on her and corner her before stealing her away for the whole day. they're super possessive and protective, and tobi mocks them as guard dogs. tobi is more practical in his pining; he teaches her some basic self defence and uses that as an excuse to spend a ridiculous amount of time with her. all the while, sakura is confused at why she feels so at ease among these strangers, like she's known them before. well, all except the uchiha brothers, of course.

i wrote bits and pieces of this above au, but it's super choppy and incomplete TT but the gist of it is sakura unwittingly gains suitors through her delightful baked treats and her equally delightful smile. mito has a special order of fruit tarts that sakura will make for her whenever she's well stocked, and mito always takes the entire batch, not letting anyone else have a taste of her special treats.


i also really want to read/write a story where saku is preggo and mito helps take care of her TT

just a little bit more, sakura says inwardly, features pulled tight in exertion. the kitchen is only a few more steps away, come on, you can do it-!

"darling! what are you doing!" a panicked voice screeches from behind her, void of the usual poise and grace that came from a strict noble upbringing. sakura huffs, pausing in her trek, and looks over her shoulder at her lover who rushes over to her side, delicately placing her hands on her shoulders to help balance her. "honey, i'm fine. i just wanted to eat something; im tired of being cooped up in my room." sakura whines. 

mito purses her lips, eyes narrowed slightly. "you know we have the maids to help you with all that-" "im pregnant, not invalid, mito-chan!" sakura cuts her off.

"hashirama will literally lock you in his room if he finds out you're walking unnecessarily. do you really want that?" the redhead asks wryly. sakura scowls, already imagining her dramatic husband wailing about her safety and proclaiming she would never be able to walk on her own two feet ever again. she shudders. if there's one thing she can't bear to lose, it's her independence.

after a moment of consideration, sakura groans lowly and crosses her arms over her chest. "...fine. but you'll have to massage my feet. and i want a bowl of apricots."

mito smiled in relief. not a moment later, though, it turned a little darker, a little slyer. sakura's heart thuds in anticipation, heat spreading through her veins at the familiar look in her eyes.

"oh, i can do so much more than that, darling." she shivers as mito's hot breath tickles her neck. before she can squeak out a response, mito sweeps her off her feet in an amazing, and quite frankly, sexy display of strength and whisked her away to their private quarters, the intentions in her twinkling dark eyes very clear.


idk i really like preggo sakura TT

izuna eyes the mess of pillows and blankets in the living room wearily. that has got to be an entire wing's worth of them, he muses inwardly. however, his heart lifts as he sees his wife sleeping soundly on a particularly large pile of softness. her breaths are even and deep, signalling her deep sleep. as advised by the medics, she was on her side to support her protruding belly, several pillows stacked around her for comfort. her eye-catching hair was sprawled messily across her makeshift nest, making for an adorable sight.

he finds himself unable to stay away from her, feet moving on their own accord to join her on the floor. it was surprisingly very comfortable, he noted as her laid down in front of her, tracing her features. a little bit of drool was on the side of her mouth, prompting an amused quirk of his lips. what he would give to be able to capture this moment.

almost instinctively, sakura's hand reached out for him, and he readily met her in the middle as they joined hands. he admires how well their palms fit together, along with the matching golden bands they wore. he kissed her knuckles sweetly, thumb caressing her skin like she was the most precious thing in existence.

his senses alerted him to a new presence, a familiar one that he didn't bother to sit up for. madara chuckles mirthfully as he walks into the living room.

"i see she's made herself quite comfortable here." his brother rumbles. izuna hums noncommittally. 

he feels the softness shift slightly as madara takes to her other side, still clad in his formal wear. he slings an arm over their sleeping wife, a hand stroking her distended belly with more care than anyone who doesn't know him would think him capable of. izuna politely disagrees; uchihas loved the hardest. their loyalty is unmatched if they find someone deserving of it.

he listens as his brother's breathing deepens, joining sakura in dreamland. he must be tired from a day full of clan meetings, he concludes. he closes his eyes, comforted by the presence of three of his favourite people in the world.
